
Hola! My name is Alayna. I am in my  kray 20s and enjoy nature, animals, being in the water, hiking and climbing  sometimes running, and smiling. I enjoy getting a good meal in a different environment than I am use to.  Each neighborhood, town, and  country each have something that is distinct. Everywhere I go I like to chat with locals, other travelers and understand/ learn something new. We are all different yet we are all human <3.  I did not grow up traveling however in recent years it has become a true passion. I truly understand that not everyone has the means to go overseas. With hard work I am very fortunate to travel. My first time out of the country was Mexico when I was 10. I ended up living there for three months and getting half of a fifth grade education there. My first time out of the continent was when I was 21. I went to the middle east; Israel, Palestine and Jordan. Since than I have begun to travel. I thought this blog can help others and for friends and family to learn about what I have been doing. Many times people ask me how I do it, and I tell them. If this kid can grow up and see the world so can YOU!


Alayna “TaTa” Lourdes Morgan

PHIL 4:13

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